Are you considering a rhinoplasty or septoplasty procedure in the future? Dr. Markarian believes that informed patients are the best patients.
Below you can find before and after results of real patients of varying ages, ethnicities, and genders, and at different time intervals following their procedure.
All photos in this gallery are actual results of Dr. Markarian‘s work. The photos have not been altered in any way, except for cropping.
Patient results are an essential part of research into your rhinoplasty procedure. As you navigate through the before and after pictures, you may begin to consider what element of your nose you are hoping to address and what your ideal aesthetic outcome might look like.
If you are looking for more information on rhinoplasty procedures, you can read our blog on Most Frequently Asked Questions About Rhinoplasty or Rhinoplasty: How Can I Afford it?
6 weeks after a Rhinoplasty
18-24 year old woman
This young woman is shown 6 weeks following a Rhinoplasty to improve nasal asymmetry, reduce a dorsal hump, and provide tip refinement, with the overall goal of maintaining a natural result. At 4-6 weeks postop, approximately 80% of nasal swelling has subsided. The remainder will take up to a year, sometimes longer depending on multiple factors, such as skin thickness. Residual swelling is most noticeable from the front view during this recovery time.
2 years after a Rhinoplasty
18-24 year old woman
I’m happy to share this young woman’s 2-year results following a Revision Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty. The nose is narrowed overall but a natural, non-pinched, result is maintained. A subtle dorsal hump reduction and tip refinement were also performed.
People always ask about the recovery time following a Rhinoplasty. It takes time for the swelling to come down so I always try to share the immediate postop photos from the operating room (OR) with my patients to allow them to get an idea of their final results and have something to look forward to while the swelling improves over time. The OR photos are in the last pic and you can see how similar they are to the long-term results…
75% of the swelling comes down after a month while the rest takes a year to a year and a half. To accelerate the swelling resolution, I see patients in the office every 2-3 months for steroid injections to the nose, especially the tip, to further help with recovery time…
Full views of this patient’s final results are shown. Also, notice how the tip stays in a good position even when smiling.
Please look at the scar from the “worm’s eye” view (taken from below the patient). I always try to create a surgical scar that is almost invisible.
The overall goal is to always maintain a natural result… The standard key maneuvers included a component hump reduction, reverse angulated caudal septal trim and tip deprojection. Multiple grafts were used including a columellar strut graft, spreader grafts, alar contour grafts, and a mastoid fascia tip graft. All this was done to help provide long-term stability and structure to maintain the aesthetic and functional goals…
14 months after a Rhinoplasty
25-34 year old woman
This very happy lady is 14 months out after her Rhinoplasty.
People always ask about the recovery time following a Rhinoplasty. It takes time for the swelling to come down so I always try to share the immediate postop photos from the operating room (OR) with my patients to allow them to get an idea of their final results and have something to look forward to while the swelling improves over time. The OR photos are in the last pic and you can see how similar they are to the long-term results…
75% of the swelling comes down after a month while the rest takes a year to a year and a half. To accelerate the swelling resolution, I see patients in the office every 2-3 months for steroid injections to the nose, especially the tip, to further help with recovery time…
Full views of this patient’s final results are shown. Also, notice how the tip stays in the perfect position even when smiling.
Can you see the scar? Please look at the “worm’s eye” view (taken from below the patient). I always try to create a surgical scar that is almost invisible.
The overall goal is to always maintain a natural result…
The standard key maneuvers included a component hump reduction, reverse angulated caudal septal trim, and tip deprojection. Multiple grafts were used including a columellar strut graft, spreader grafts, alar contour grafts, and a mastoid fascia tip graft. This patient also had a left-sided crural strut graft to improve symmetry, and mastoid fascia soft triangle grafts to improve the fulness in those areas (directly underneath the domes of the tip). All this was done to help provide long-term stability and structure to maintain the aesthetic and functional goals…
9 months after a Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty
18-24 year old woman
Full views are shown. Please notice the almost invisible incision in the columella in the “worm’s eye view” (when she looks up), how the tip stays in the perfect position even when smiling, and how the tip closely resembles the initial postoperative results in the operating room (in the final photo).
It takes 12-18 months for all the nose swelling to come down, during which time I see patients in the office every 2-3 months for steroid injections to accelerate the swelling resolution.
The overall goal is to always maintain a natural result.
Key maneuvers included a component hump reduction, reverse angulated caudal septal trim, tip deprojection with a columellar strut graft, spreader grafts, alar contour grafts, and a mastoid fascia tip graft – the multiple cartilage grafts were used to help provide long-term stability and structure to maintain the aesthetic and functional goals.
6 months after a Rhinoplasty
25-34 year old woman
This amazing young lady is smiling 6 months after her Rhinoplasty. While all the swelling takes about a year (to a year and a half in some patients), I’m often asked how patients look a few months out — about 80% of the swelling has improved. You can see how this patient underwent a subtle hump reduction, straightening of the nasal tip, tip deprojection, and other subtle tip refinements.
The overall goal is to always maintain a natural result…
Key maneuvers included a component hump reduction, angulated caudal septal trim, tip deprojection with a columellar strut graft, spreader grafts, alar contour grafts, and a mastoid fascia tip graft. The multiple cartilage grafts were used to help provide long-term stability and structure to maintain the aesthetic and functional goals…
6 weeks after a Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty
Aged 17 or under woman
Her dorsal hump was reduced and her nasal tip was refined. Significant cartilage grafting was performed to not only improve her breathing but to help provide long-term stability and structure to the nose, and maintain its appearance long term.
Approximately 85% of the swelling has gone down at this point, and the remainder may take up to a year.
Dr. Markarian’s overall goal is to create a natural result that is patient-customized to maintain harmony and symmetry with the rest of the face.

6 months after a Rhinoplasty
This lovely young woman is 6 months postop from a Rhinoplasty, where about 80% of the swelling has improved. She underwent hump reduction, tip deprojection, and tip refinement, with the overall goal, as always, to maintain a natural result…
Key maneuvers included a component hump reduction, angulated caudal septal trim, tip deprojection with a columellar strut graft, spreader grafts, alar contour grafts, and a soft tissue tip graft… The multiple cartilage grafts were used to help provide long-term stability and structure to maintain the aesthetic and functional goals…
Oh, and she promised no more nose piercings…
10 months after a Rhinoplasty
This patient is shown before and 10 months after a Rhinoplasty to reduce her dorsal hump and refine her nasal tip.
Significant cartilage grafting was performed to not only improve her breathing but to help provide long-term stability and structure to the nose, and maintain its appearance long term.
6 weeks after a Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty
18-24 year old woman
This patient underwent a Rhinoplasty procedure to reduce her dorsal hump and refine her nasal tip, in addition to a Septoplasty to improve her breathing. Significant cartilage grafting was performed to not only improve her breathing but to help provide long-term stability and structure to the nose, and maintain its appearance long term.
Approximately 85% of the swelling has gone down at this point, and the remainder may take up to a year.
Dr. Markarian’s overall goal is to create a customized yet natural result that maintains harmony and symmetry with the rest of the face.
6 weeks after a Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty
18-24 year old woman
This patient underwent a Rhinoplasty procedure to reduce her dorsal hump and refine her nasal tip, in addition to a Septoplasty to improve her breathing. Significant cartilage grafting was performed to not only improve her breathing but to help provide long-term stability and structure to the nose, and maintain its appearance long term.
Approximately 85% of the swelling has gone down at this point, and the remainder may take up to a year.
Dr. Markarian’s overall goal is to create a customized yet natural result that maintains harmony and symmetry with the rest of the face.
6 weeks after a Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty
18-24 year old woman
This patient underwent a Rhinoplasty procedure to reduce her dorsal hump and refine her nasal tip. A Septoplasty was performed to improve her breathing. Significant cartilage grafting was performed to not only improve her breathing but to help provide long-term stability and structure to the nose, and maintain its appearance long term.
Approximately 85% of the swelling has gone down at this point, and the remainder may take up to a year.
Dr. Markarian’s overall goal is to create a customized yet natural result that maintains harmony and symmetry with the rest of the face.
6 weeks after a Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty
18-24 year old man
A young man is shown 6 weeks after a Septoplasty and Rhinoplasty. Preoperatively, the patient had difficulty breathing from his nose and complained of a dorsal hump with slight drooping of his nasal tip.
Dr. Markarian’s overall goal is to create a customized yet natural result that maintains harmony and symmetry with the rest of the face.
5 months after a Rhinoplasty
25-34 year old woman
This young lady is shown 5 months after undergoing a Rhinoplasty, where about 80% of the swelling has improved. She underwent hump reduction, tip deprojection, and overall tip refinement, achieving the goal of maintaining a natural result.
The key maneuvers in this patient included a component hump reduction, angulated caudal septal trim, tip deprojection, spreader grafts, extended alar contour grafts, and a soft tissue tip graft with mastoid fascia. Multiple cartilage grafts were used to help provide long-term stability and structure to maintain aesthetic and functional goals. Since cartilage grows your whole life, and the nose is about 2/3 cartilage, over the years the nose can undergo changes after Rhinoplasty which underscores the absolute necessity of extensive cartilage grafting to maintain the finished result as much as possible during the years to come.
Also, note the near-invisible scar in the “worm’s eye” view (the last photo) – this tiny incision used in an open rhinoplasty heals very well.
3 weeks after a Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty
25-34 year old woman
This patient underwent a Rhinoplasty procedure. She wanted a slight reduction in her dorsal hump and subtle nasal tip refinement. Significant cartilage grafting was performed to not only improve her breathing but to help provide long-term stability and structure to the nose, and maintain its appearance long term.
Approximately 85% of the swelling has gone down at this point, and the remainder may take up to a year.
Dr. Markarian’s overall goal is to create a customized yet natural result that maintains harmony and symmetry with the rest of the face.
3 months after a Rhinoplasty
25-34 year old woman
This patient underwent a Rhinoplasty procedure to improve her dorsal hump, and refine her nasal tip, to produce a natural looking result.
Approximately 85% of the swelling has gone down at this point, and the remainder may take up to a year.
Dr. Markarian’s overall goal is to create a customized yet natural result that maintains harmony and symmetry with the rest of the face.
6 months after a Rhinoplasty
25-34 year old woman
A woman in her 20s is shown 6 months after a Rhinoplasty. Dorsal hump reduction was performed with subtle tip refinement involving cartilage modification and grafting. One of Dr, Markarian’s goals in a rhinoplasty is to always try and preserve a natural looking result.
6 weeks after a Rhinoplasty
25-34 year old woman
This patient underwent a dorsal hump reduction, in addition to deprojection of the nasal tip, and tip rotation to improve her nasal droop both at rest and when smiling. Multiple cartilage grafts were performed to help provide long term stability and a natural result.
4 months weeks after a Rhinoplasty
35-44 year old woman
This patient is shown 4 months postop, where about 80% of the swelling has improved. She underwent hump reduction, tip deprojection, and overall tip refinement, with the overall goal of maintaining a natural result. Please note how the tip of her nose no longer droops when smiling.
Key maneuvers in this patient included a component hump reduction, angulated caudal septal trim, tip deprojection, spreader grafts, alar contour grafts, and a soft tissue tip graft… The multiple cartilage grafts were used to help provide long-term stability and structure to maintain the aesthetic and functional goals.