Breast Augmentation Gallery
40-45 year old woman
Pre-op and 6 months after a ‘deluxe’ Breast Augmentation which included Armpit Liposuction
This 5’4 woman in her early 40s is shown 6 months after a short-incision Breast Augmentation PLUS Armpit Liposuction.
Although subtle, the liposuction really allows the upper outer contour of the breast to “pop” with better definition.
A dual-plane sub-pectoral placement of 450cc smooth round moderate plus Silicone Implants.
I always try to place the implants LOW to minimize the “drop and fluff” stage and help every woman reach her final results sooner…
35-40 year old woman
Pre-op and 10 weeks after a short-incision Breast Augmentation
This 5’7 woman in her late 30s is shown 10 weeks after a short-incision Breast Augmentation with 350cc smooth round moderate plus Silicone Implants.
A significant dual plane technique was utilized where the breast tissue was separated from the muscle to also allow a subtle lift of the nipple and improved symmetry of the areola overall.
I always try to place the implants low to minimize the “drop and fluff” stage and help every woman reach her final results sooner…
20-30 year old woman
Pre-op, 6 weeks, and 7 months after a Breast Augmentation
Dr Markarian specializes in helping you get your final results as soon as possible.
This lovely young woman, 5’7″, in her 20s, wanted a natural Breast implant result as soon as possible. She is shown at 6 weeks & 7 months after a short-incision Breast Augmentation with dual-plane sub-pectoral placement of 275cc moderate plus profile silicone implants.
Dr Markarian utilizes a unique technique to place the implants low in the dissected “pocket” under the muscle so patients can see their long-term results sooner!
The image order is – pre-op, 6 weeks, and 7 months.
Please note how similar the immediate (6-week) results are to the long-term (7-month) results.
If you want fast results with Breast Augmentation, Dr Mark Markarian’s technique may be for you…
25-34 year old woman
10 weeks after a Breast Augmentation
This lovely lady is 25, 5’5, and underwent breast augmentation with 350cc smooth round moderate plus silicone implants, placed below the muscle through a small incision under her breast fold.
I always try to place the implants low in the “pocket” during surgery to minimize the amount of time the patient has to wait for implants to “drop and fluff”. This way, the patient achieves their final results sooner.
25-34 year old woman
7 months after a short-incision Breast Augmentation
This lovely 5’8 woman in her mid-20s is shown 7 months after a short-incision Breast Augmentation with dual-plane sub-pectoral placement of 350cc smooth round moderate plus silicone implants.
I always try to place the implants LOW to minimize the “drop and fluff” stage and help every woman reach her final results sooner…
25-34 year old woman
10 weeks after a Breast Augmentation
This 4’11 young woman in her early 30s is shown 10 weeks after a short-incision Breast Augmentation with dual-plane sub-pectoral placement of smooth round moderate plus Silicone implants — 300cc on the left and 275cc on the right.
Notice on the front view how the breast fold evenness is significantly improved — the left breast was higher PRE-operatively but far more symmetric POST-operatively.
In addition to improved symmetry, one of my consistent goals in the OR is to place the implants LOW to minimize the “drop and fluff” stage and help every woman reach her final results sooner…
25-34 year old woman
6 weeks after a Breast Augmentation
A 1-inch incision was made under the breast and the 275cc smooth round moderate plus silicone implants were placed under the muscle with a dual plane technique.
You can watch a 270 ° video of the patient 2 months after surgery with Dr. Markarian.
25-34 year old woman
3 years after a Breast Augmentation
A short (less than 1 inch) incision was concealed within the breast fold to place 350cc smooth round moderate + profile silicone implants under the muscle utilizing a dual plane technique.
25-34 year old woman
3 weeks after a Breast Augmentation
A natural result was desired, and a nice drop can already be seen in these early postoperative photos. A dual plane technique was used to place the 300cc silicone implants.
Dr. Markarian always tries to carefully place the implants low to achieve the patient’s desired result asap without having her wait long for the implants to drop,. He also hides the incision in the location where he predicts the future breast crease will be to make it difficult to see.
18-24 year old woman
4 years after a Breast Augmentation
Long-term results are always great to see — this lovely young woman in her early 20s is shown 4 years after a short-incision Breast Augmentation with dual-plane sub-pectoral placement of smooth round moderate plus silicone implants — 350cc on the right, and 375cc on the left.
One of my goals is to optimize and maintain long-term results.
18-24 year old woman
7 weeks after a Breast Augmentation
This patient is shown 7 weeks after a short-incision Breast Augmentation with dual-plane sub-pectoral placement of 350cc Silicone Implants.
The left breast also had additional dissection in the plane between the breast and the pec muscle to window-shade the breast up and allow the lower areola on the left to elevate further and be more symmetric with the right areola.
Also, please note the on-table results and how close they are to the final results. Dr. Markarian strategically places the implants low to achieve the patient’s desired results asap without having her wait long for the implants to “drop”.
In terms of the incision, Dr. Markarian always tries to predict where the new breast fold will be and place the incision there exactly, to best conceal it in the future.
18-24 year old woman
6 weeks after a Breast Augmentation
350cc smooth round moderate plus silicone implants were placed under the muscle with an incision made under the breast fold. A special dual plane technique was utilized to elevate her left areola more than her right to improve the breast asymmetry.
18-24 year old woman
6 weeks after a Breast Augmentation
300cc smooth round moderate plus silicone implants were placed under the muscle with a dual plane technique while utilizing a minimal 1 inch incision hidden in the breast fold.
18-24 year old woman
3 months after a Breast Augmentation
This patient is 5’6 with some breast asymmetry. She underwent dual-plane sub-pectoral placement of smooth round moderate plus silicone implants — 350cc on the right & 400cc on the left.
25-34 year old woman
6 weeks after a Breast Augmentation
350cc silicone implants were placed under the muscle utilizing a dual-plane technique.
25-34 year old woman
6 weeks after a Breast Augmentation
This patient is a 5’7 woman in her early 30s shown 6 weeks after a short-incision Breast Augmentation with dual-plane sub-pectoral placement of 450cc moderate plus profile silicone implants.
One of Dr. Markarian’s goals is to place implants low in the breast during surgery so they can reach their final result sooner and not need as much of a “drop and fluff” phase.
25-34 year old woman
6 weeks after a Breast Augmentation
This patient is a 5’7 woman in her late 20s shown 6 weeks after a short-incision Breast Augmentation with dual-plane sub-pectoral placement of 275cc moderate plus profile silicone implants.
One of Dr. Markarian’s goals is to place implants low in the breast during surgery so they can reach their final result sooner and not need as much of a “drop and fluff” phase.
35-49 year old woman
6 months after a Breast Augmentation
Silicone Ultra High Profile implants were placed under the muscle with a dual plane technique utilizing a short (less than 1 inch) incision hidden within the breast fold — 350cc on the Right, 320cc on the left.