Capsular Contracture Treatment

Dr. Markarian is trained in the latest and most innovative capsular contracture treatments options


Occasionally patients who have undergone a Breast Augmentation procedure suffer from capsular contracture. This is where the breasts implants have a hard capsule that forms around them and creates a film. This capsule can make the implant more firm, make the breasts uneven or asymmetric, and cause pain in the chest area for women.

Some of the following symptoms are below:

  • The implant begins to feel hard
  • Pain, tightness, or discomfort in the chest
  • The implant shape is deformed and shaped more like a ball.


There are four stages of capsular contracture. At stage 4, women’s breasts will look and feel different. The implant will have hardened and will be causing pain.

A case of Stage 4 capsular contracture is shown here. Dr. Markarian may recommend a Breast Implant Remove and Replace procedure for Stage 4 Capsular Contracture. If a patient undertakes revision surgery, Dr. Markarian will explain his methods of reducing the chances of capsular contracture occurring again.

Remove and Replace Results

Surgical solutions may be most recommended for women with Stage 4 Capsular Contracture. The patients below have undertaken breast implant removal and replacement surgery.

Patient in her early 40s 6 weeks after a revision breast augmentation for capsular contracture. 240cc high profile implants were removed, significant capsular excision and modification were performed, and the old implants were exchanged for moderate profile silicone implants – 575cc on the right, and 600cc on the left.

A woman in her 30s suffered deflation of prior saline breast implants placed by another surgeon. Her right breast implant was completely deflated and her left breast implant had contracture causing an obvious deformity and asymmetry. Breast Implant Revision was performed with new silicone breast implants placed underneath the muscle. Additionally, the prior scarred capsule was removed and improvement in symmetry was appreciated. She is seen here 3 weeks postoperatively.