Some women’s breasts significantly sag or droop due to aging or after weight loss or pregnancy. This can be a source of great insecurity for these women and leave them desiring a breast lift to reposition their breasts and tighten the breast tissue. There are multiple types of breast lift procedures and techniques that aim to address differing concerns which we will explain in this blog.


What are the general aims of a Breast Lift Procedure?

A breast lift, or mastopexy, lifts and reshapes sagging breasts, restoring a youthful and firmer look. This procedure is ideal for those seeking enhanced contour and symmetry in their breasts. 

Factors such as weight loss, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and aging can cause breasts to lose their position and firmness. The patient’s specific goals and the degree of sagging will determine the most suitable technique. Many women choose a breast lift, often combined with a tummy tuck, as part of a Mommy Makeover to help restore their body after pregnancy.

What are the different types of Breast Lift procedures? 

There are many types of breast lift techniques that can be performed depending on the extent of sagging and the aims of the patient. If you are considering any type of breast lift procedure you should book a consultation with a Board-Certified surgeon with extensive breast lift experience so that they can assess your personal aims and provide expert advice on the most suitable technique.

Mini Breast Lift

Mini breast lifts are frequently undertaken by women who have mild concerns and just desire a minimal lift, want to raise the position of their nipples slightly, or wish to even out asymmetries in their nipple height. Incisions are made in a circle around the areola and small amounts of excess skin and sagging tissue are removed. A crescent breast lift and a donut breast lift are both breast lift techniques that classify as a mini breast lift.

Crescent Breast Lift

This technique is the most minimal breast lift procedure as the incision line runs only along the top half of the areola so produces a crescent line on the top of the areola. This incision is used so that a crescent-shaped piece of skin above the areola can be removed to help lift the breasts and alter the position of the areola. This technique only provides a small lift and is only undertaken for patients with moderate concerns or concerns of asymmetry. Generally, a crescent breast lift is performed as part of a breast enlargement procedure to provide a small lift as well as enhancement. You can view our blog ‘Breast Augmentation Boston: The FAQs‘ for more information on breast enhancement surgeries.

Donut Breast Lift

This technique is also considered a mini breast lift, but it provides more of a lift than the crescent technique. An incision line is made in a circle around the areola and so more skin and tissue can be accessed and removed to provide more of a lift. The results are less significant than traditional breast lift procedures and so only mild concerns over sagging will be addressed meaning it is not suitable for patients who desire a drastic lift. Furthermore, mini breast lifts tend to only be suitable for patients who have small or medium-sized breasts.

Lollipop Breast Lift

A lollipop breast lift also referred to as a vertical breast lift, is a more extensive breast lift procedure that aims to address more moderate concerns of sagging. Like the donut breast lift, an incision line is made in a circle around the areola, then a further incision line is made that runs directly down the middle of the breast. The shape of the incisions are therefore like a lollipop, hence the technique’s name. The additional vertical incision allows for more of the breast tissue and skin to be accessed so a more extensive lift can be performed. 

Anchor Lift 

The anchor breast lift is the traditional type of breast lift technique and is the most extensive breast lift procedure and provides the most significant results. The lollipop incision lines are made and an additional incision line is created across the bottom of each breast forming an anchor shape. The procedure, therefore, allows for a significant lift and removal of excess skin so is suitable for patients with more severe cases of breast ptosis, such as grade three where the breasts have significant sagging and dropping. 

Due to the fact, the technique is the most extensive, it has the longest recovery time. Additionally, the numerous incision lines mean that the scarring is more extensive from this procedure and so patients should consider their aims and weigh up the pros and cons of the various techniques. 

How long does a Breast Lift last?

Regardless of the type of breast lift procedure performed, the excess skin and tissue are permanently removed from the body. As you age or if you change slightly in weight, it is natural that the breasts will start to sag and droop again. However, your breasts will sag much less than they naturally would have if you had not undergone a breast lift procedure. 

The American Society of Plastic Surgery explains that the results of a breast lift will vary in how long they last as it depends on multiple individual factors such as age, genetics, the patient’s health, and diet. However, they explain that there are ways you can help with the longevity of your surgery such as taking care of your skin to help preserve its elasticity, avoid too much sun exposure or weight fluctuations, and keeping the breasts supported especially during exercise. Other changes to your body such as pregnancy will also impact the results of your surgery and so for lasting results, it is recommended that women undergo a breast lift procedure when they have finished having children and breastfeeding.

Non-Surgical Breast Lift

As well as a rise in surgical breast lifts in the past 20 years, there has also been a rise in non-surgical breast lifts. There are multiple types of breast lift treatments that patients can undergo which do not involve any incisions or surgical techniques. The main advantages of non-surgical breast lifts are that they do not require any anesthesia or surgical incisions so there are fewer risks, a much shorter recovery and they tend to be less painful.

However, these treatments are not designed to produce significant results like the surgeries themselves so are only suitable for patients who have minimal concerns. The results are also not permanent, unlike surgical procedures, and so there are advantages and disadvantages to both types and the most suitable one will completely depend on your aims and what you feel comfortable undergoing.

Aptos threading Breast Lift

This non-surgical breast lift aims to move and lift the breast skin upwards with threads. Aptos threads are inserted under the breast’s skin and pulled upwards and secured together to provide an immediate lift for the patient. 

Additionally, this procedure is reported by RealSelf to help stimulate collagen production which helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The threads used are dissolvable meaning this is not a permanent lift. Generally, the results last for a year or two before the threads dissolve and are fully absorbed by the body. 

Laser Breast Lift 

This non-surgical technique is used to tighten the skin above the breasts which helps to achieve lift. The laser is used to heat the skin above and also around the breasts which causes the skin’s collagen fibers to contract which tightens the skin. This procedure further causes a natural healing response from the body that results in collagen being produced.

This technique is not suitable for women who have large breasts or significant sagging they wish to address. The results become visible over a few weeks or months as the collagen is produced and begins to lift and firm the breast tissue. 

Vampire Breast Lift

A vampire breast lift is not designed to reposition and lift the breasts or the nipples but instead aims to achieve a firmer and fuller-looking bust which helps to restore some volume and shape in dropping or sagging breasts. According to Healthline, a vampire breast lift uses injections of platelet-rich plasma, generally mixed with hydraulic acid, to help increase blood circulation in the breasts. This can help firm the breasts and create the appearance of fuller breasts while reducing wrinkles or stretch marks on the breasts. 

A vampire breast lift requires blood to be taken from your body (tends to be taken from the patient’s arm like for a blood test or blood donation) which is then separated to acquire the platelet-rich plasma which is taken to be inserted into the breasts. A numbing cream is typically used before the injections are inserted. Vampire states that the results can take from 1-3 days to be visible and it is likely that the patient’s breasts will feel full or sore during this time.

Healthline reports that this procedure tends to cost between $1,500 and $2,000 and results from the procedure can last up to two years. 


This blog aims to provide information on the types of breast lift procedures available to help those researching either surgical or non-surgical breast lift procedures. If you are interested in undergoing a breast lift procedure it is important to perform more research into the specific techniques or procedures you feel are likely to be most suitable or relevant for your needs.


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Though the content of this blog has been carefully prepared, the author of this content is not a medical doctor and the content has not been reviewed by a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon. 

Unless specifically stated, patients referred to in this blog have not undergone a Breast Lift procedure with Dr. Markarian. This blog does not endorse the work of any doctors or surgeons mentioned. Stories relating to patients’ personal experiences of Breast Lift procedures should be treated as anecdotal only.

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